Vision- All Goleta Valley Junior High Mariners are empowered to become engaged learners, responsible self-advocates, socially and culturally aware members of our community as they transition to their next academic and personal milestones.
Mission -The Goleta Valley Junior High Counseling Program promotes college and career readiness through the implementation of an equitable, accessible and comprehensive counseling program, in which student individual needs are taken into consideration and in collaboration with students, parents, staff & community partners in order to foster a challenging and supportive environment advocating for all students to reach their own greatest unique potential.
Beliefs - Goleta Valley Junior High Counselors believe that each student is capable of becoming a productive citizen of our society and of achieving personal and academic success as a stepping stone in this process. GVJH counselors believe that each student is unique and needs to feel cared for, that they belong and that they believe in their own self-efficacy. We also believe data driven support systems, accountability, advocacy and the delivery of grade appropriate counseling curriculum are crucial in order for students to feel empowered, build resiliency and actively engage in this process.
Goleta Valley Junior High school counselors pride themselves on providing direct services across the following ASCA National Model domains in order to promote mindsets and behaviors that enhance the learning process and create a culture of college and career readiness for all students.
Academic Domain
School Counselors:
Deliver classroom instruction promoting academic achievement and success
Advise students with regard to individual course planning
Recommend students to summer learning recovery or enrichment
Monitor academic status
Identify and refer students to the Student Study Team (SST) for intervention services
Provide group counseling support personalized to meet academic needs
Provide options for tutoring and academic support
Provide individual academic counseling to students and families
College and Career Domain
School Counselors:
Deliver classroom instruction promoting college and career development in order for students to understand the connection between school and the world of work
Explore college and career information such as SBCC dual enrollment program and high school academies via individual and small group meetings
Provide letters of recommendation for student recognition programs or secondary pursuits
Social Emotional Domain
School Counselors:
Deliver classroom instruction promoting personal, social and emotional development
Coordinate and implement small groups personalized to meet social emotional needs and success
Provide personal counseling and guidance with the primary goal of listening, providing support, identifying feelings and problem solving
Identify and refer students in need of therapeutic counseling services
Provide crisis intervention and appropriate mental health referrals
Provide referrals to community agencies
Provide assistance and guidance via individual parent meetings